
Birthday Wish List.

I am always a bit hesitant about wish lists. First of all, it's rather presumptuous to assume anyone plans on buying you a gift at all. Secondly, it's hard to walk that line between what you want and what you feel comfortable asking people to spend on you.

However, on the flip side, I find it very helpful having a list of what my friends would like on their special occasions...registries are my friend.

So friends, in that spirit, here are some gift ideas [and one dream item thrown in just for fun] for my 25th on July 17th.

1. It Happened One Night DVD-I can actually watch this on Netflix online for free, but I've viewed it at least once a week for the past month so I think that qualifies it to be added to my collection.

2. Sofia Minis-Anyone who's been to The Corner Wine Bar with me knows that this is a favorite. I've found it in bottle form up here which is great, but the mini's are much more practical for this single girl.

3. Lipstick Jungle, Season 2-My guilty pleasure. I really only watch for Victory Ford's story lines, but the fabulous clothes and colorful decor make the viewings totally worthwhile.

4. L.A.M.B. Rosebury Boots-This is my dream item. No one I know would be able to afford buying these boots for me, nor would I want them to, but I just adore them too much not to at least mention them. :)

5. Urban Outfitters Gift Card-I finally live just blocks away from an Urban Outfitters and I can't afford to shop there. It's torture.

6. Pushing Daisies, Season 2-This one is for the late-givers since it's not actually released until July 21st.

7. TCM's Katharine Hepburn Collection-Having Netflix has made me realize just how much I miss watching old films on TCM. The Philadelphia Story has been on my wish list for forever, so why not include the other Katharine greats while you're at it?

8. The Book: An Actor's Guide to Chicago, Sixth Edition-Do I really need to explain why I want this one? There's actually a Seventh Edition out now that is probably more up to date, I just couldn't find an image of its cover.

9. Priceless DVD-Another Netflix find, this movie has become a part of my top ten. Loosely based on Breakfast at Tiffany's, the story walks the line of imitation perfectly without stepping on the toes of the original.

10. Itunes Gift Card-I like music. And movies. And TV shows. Enough said.

11. Burlesque and the Art of the Teese-I ♥ Dita. And I'm a notorious collector of beautiful coffee table books like this one. I've wanted it for ages, but can't bring myself to buy it on my own.

12. Chinese Laundry Tabb Boots [size 7 1/2]-This wish list item was actually inspired by item 13. In How to Steal a Million, Audrey Hepburn throws together a last-minute ensemble that includes a nightie, a pink pea coat, and a pair of patent leather rain boots. There's something about this combination that I adore and I've been obsessing about these boots ever since.

13. How to Steal a Million DVD-Again, blame Netflix for this one. I'm always adding to my Audrey collection anyway and this is one of few DVD's I'm missing.


Kiley said...

You're so cute.

michelle shea said...

of course I am.
that's why people buy me things.

lauren ashley said...

so did anyone get you any of these lovely things?
if so, do tell me - for i am still figuring out what i want to send you. of course my gifts are fashionably late like me ... ;)

michelle shea said...

My friend Joanna actually bought me 'How to Steal a Million'. She was cleverly mysterious about our after dinner birthday plans, turns out it was to get the dvd and watch it via projector on her livingroom wall. It was awesome. :)

But everything else is up for grabs. ;)

lauren ashley said...

aww, that's so fun and sweet! :)
oook, great to know.
i did get you a rather grand {albeit, belated} birthday card this afternoon, hehe.